Buy Succulent Plants
Planning to buy succulent plants? Then check out Plant People! We offer a wide range of succulents to choose from. And the most exciting part? Plant People delivers to your address! As for the succulent plants you purchased? You’ll receive them as if they were freshly potted. Succulent plants are one of the toughest plants around and can last without water. Plus, we wrap them securely and properly so they won’t get damaged during shipping.
So what succulent plants does Plant People have for your home or office? We have quite a collection of decorative indoor and outdoor plants for your consideration if you are looking to buy succulent plants. We have some of them already potted so you don’t have to repot them. And the pots we use for them are all ideal for their growth—we use terracotta and fibrestone pots. The colours and designs of our pots easily blend with your interiors or exteriors, perfectly complementing your home or office environment.
Succulent Plants For Your Consideration
Wavy Jade Succulents. Crassula ovata undulata is its scientific name. This small and compact succulent is also known as Crassula Curly. These plants prefer to be exposed indirectly to sunlight, so they are great for windowsills or brightly-lit locations. Wavy Jades are native to South Africa and have undulating foliage, thus the term “wavy” or “curly”. When left unattended for a time, they can grow like a small tree, with thick stems and branches. You should keep their size in check by pruning them on a regular basis. And keep away from animals as it is known to be toxic or poisonous for them.
Silver Dollar. Many Crassula species are native to South Africa. Silver Dollars or Crassula arborescens are among them. Silver Dollar plants are easy to take care of. In the outdoors, full sun exposure is important, while inside, a window that provides enough bright light will suffice if it's sunny. This small shrub can also grow up to 4 feet tall so pruning is needed if you want to maintain a bushy look. It also flowers in spring or summer, showing clusters of star-shaped blossoms, but as a houseplant, it rarely blooms. This plant has low severity of toxicity but you should still keep it away from pets.
Coppertone Stonecrop. Native to Mexico, Sedum nussbaumerianum is a succulent that is evergreen. Its bright orange colour comes out when the succulent is “stressed”—exposed to heat, full sun, and little water. This characteristic makes Coppertone Stonecrop succulents ideally suited to the outdoors. Coppertone Stonecrop isn’t toxic to dogs and cats. This succulent is also easy to take care of, and some even suggest that it even thrives on neglect, making it a perfect centrepiece in your open space.
Aside from the ones mentioned, we have a wide selection of succulents to choose from onsite, as well as when you buy succulent plants.
We Are Your Plant Authority
Plant People is your trusted source for all things greenery and then some. You can find all kinds of plant pots, indoor and outdoor decorative plants, potted plants, arrangements, flowers, gardening tools and accessories, handmade local products, beautiful gift items, art & sculptures, jewellery, and more. Find the perfect item for your home or office that will make it more cosy, welcoming, and attractive. For indoor or outdoor decorative plants, call Plant People. Your Plant Authority.